Our Stack

Spacestar specialises in the SALT stack, the TALL stack as well as the VILT stack.

We're not just another Wordpress agency, re-using theme builders and countless off the shelf plugins.

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PHP's saving grace. The best foundation to build your backend on.

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We've been huge fans of Vue.js since the 0.10.0-RC version. We've used it for tiny components, all the way up to creating headless e-commerce websites with it.

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A CSS framework that's scalable in everything but file-size. We're big fans of this utility-first framework.

But that's not all

RESTGraphQLAlpineStrapiNuxtOpenAPI DocumentationNginxStatamicGridsomeWorkflow AutomationCaddyStripe PaymentsDigital OceanServerlessPHPUnitTraefikAzureDockerAWSBit.devPostCSSCI/CDStorybookViteJWT AuthenticationPESTPHPStanCloudflare PagesNetlifyAstroAWS AmplifyVercelJestVueXTerraformSupabaseContentfulRedisFirebaseGitHub ActionsGitLaravel HorizonAnd much more...